Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Exceeding Expectations

Robotic process automation is the fastest and most efficient way for you to acquire, enhance and deliver information from virtually any application or data source including websites, portals, desktop applications and enterprise systems, without any coding.
DataPattern creates a digital workforce that can work side-by-side with your employees to drive greater efficiency and eliminate almost any manual data-driven activity.
RPA Assessment: Assess the needs and the measures of success.
Process Evaluation and Optimization
RPA Design, Development and Deployment: Design the RPA operating model
Run process simplification and RPA pilots
Construct the RPA Team and Initiate Process Simplification
Roll out Process Simplification and RPA across organization
Use Cases
Energy Maximization
Plant Control Tower
OEE insights
Recipe Optimization
Health Monitoring
Budget Planning
Continuous Product Inspections
Golden Batch

World's leading Mineral mining & processing company

Major Bay area HiTech company